Bay school district superintendent gets extended contract

By Maddison Smith
Delta Digital News Service

The board approved this motion to extend Superintendent Luke Lovins’ contract, in a 5-0 vote. Lovins has been at Bay for a year. His contract was extended into the 2023-2024 school year.

According to the school district’s website, this meeting was not the first meeting held on Zoom. Last month’s parent-teacher conferences were also held on Zoom. High school Principal Jodi Cobb said during the school board meeting, “Parent teacher conferences last month went as expected.”

Faculty and staff had already planned for the winter weather earlier last week. “I appreciate our administrators, our faculty and staff for being prepared for what we’ve got the last few days,” Lovins said, “Our buildings are ready, they sent home devices last Tuesday just in case and now you see where we’re at. We were able to push through and provide the kids with instructions, food or whatever they need. I want to say how much I appreciate all the hard work that everyone has put in.”

Bay School District is also looking to hire a contract manager for upcoming projects at the school. These projects include a new heat-and-air system in the high school, as well as new classrooms added onto the high school and possibly the elementary. The board stated it has not found that position yet but is considering board member Graham Eldridge to do the work. 

Other items on the agenda include: 

  • Student of the month and employee of the month will be recognized on social media or at a later date due to the meeting being on Zoom
  • 32 elementary students continue attending class virtually 
  • 55 high school students continue attending class virtually 
  • No students or faculty face quarantine at this time 
  • ACT Aspire for high school scheduled for next week may be postponed due to inclement weather
  • The state bowling tournament has been rescheduled along with the Junior Boys  basketball district semifinals

During the next school board meeting, the board will discuss plans for the next school year concerning COVID-19, how the school is going to deal with it and if they will be offering virtual learning or onsite learning only. It will also consider  if the school needs to buy a new fleet of school buses, keep fixing the ones they have now or lease out new school buses.